Auto AccidentMassachusetts Drivers Face Increased Dangers From Teen Drivers During Summer Months

June 19, 20200

During the summer months, teens are out of school and maybe engaged in employment, sports camps, or other activities. If a teen has his or her driver’s license, he or she may be responsible for getting to and from these activities throughout the season. Although many teenagers appreciate the responsibility and seriousness of getting behind the wheel, some approach it with a reckless or careless attitude. It is important for parents to talk to their teens about good driving habits, including the difference between the safe operation of a vehicle and dangerous distractions. At Mass Injury Group, our dedicated team of Boston car accident lawyers is available to assist you if you have been injured in a car accident involving a teen driver.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has concluded that between 2008 and 2018, teen drivers killed over seven people per day during the summer months. The report is called the 2020 100 Deadliest Days, and it outlines the most threatening situations for drivers on the roadway. Overall, the report urges parents and teens to take extra precautions between Memorial Day and Labor Day to try to cut down on the number of accidents involving teens.

This year, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to many teens being unable to find a job, camps being canceled, and a lot more free time on teens’ hands. This free time may mean that teens are spending more time driving to pass the time. The 2020 100 Deadliest Days report includes a Parent Coaching Guide to help parents identify the most productive ways to educate their teens about safe driving. It encourages parents to have their teens sign a safe driving agreement, too.


If you were injured in an accident involving a teen driver, you could bring a claim against his or her legal guardian to recover compensation for your damages. In the lawsuit, you must show that the teen failed to use the same reasonable care and skill that a prudent driver would use when faced with a similar situation. Teen drivers are held to the same standards as more experienced adult drivers. This is why it is so important to ensure that a teen driver is ready for the serious responsibility of operating a vehicle unsupervised. There are a few common reasons why teen drivers may cause an accident. Distracted driving is the leading cause of teen accidents. All too often, teen drivers are engaged in social media or surfing the web, changing the music on their playlists, or talking with friends. Taking his or her eyes off the road for even a few seconds can lead to a dangerous and deadly crash.

If you are successful in showing that the teen driver was the cause of your injuries, then you can recover compensation to cover your damages. This includes past and future medical bills, lost earnings, reduced earning capacity, reduced quality of life, and more. At Mass Injury Group, our team of Boston car accident attorneys offers a free and private consultation to discuss your situation. For some injury victims, this might mean bringing legal action against a young person who made a mistake, but the injured person is entitled to compensation to help cope with the burden of their injuries. To schedule your free consultation, call us now at 617-263-0060 or contact us online to get started.

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