Personal InjuryWhen To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer For A Car Accident

April 23, 20230

Being involved in a car accident is scarring, both mentally and physically. On top of the damage done to yourself and your property, you may then have to deal with getting back to work to put food on the table, all while trying to deal with the injuries caused by the accident. Below we look at when to hire a personal injury lawyer following a car accident.

Should I Seek Legal Advice After a Car Accident?

The short answer to this question is yes. No matter what sort of injuries you have sustained, if you have been a victim of negligent driving, you have the right to a court case and compensation. It is best to get legal advice straight away, rather than waiting around.

Once you have gotten in touch, your car accident attorney can gather the information they need to prove negligence, as well as prepare you for what needs to be done next. This could include what to say to your insurance company, when to speak to a medical professional, and whether you should speak to the other parties’ insurance representative.

Determining the Damage

Being in a car accident can be costly, so it is vital that you create a list of all the losses that you have suffered due to the accident. Your personal injury lawyer can help you account for any damages that you may not have even taken into account yet, including:

  • damage to your vehicle and any items inside your vehicle at the time
  • lost wages from missed work
  • punitive damages, which can be included if the other driver was acting recklessly, such as driving under the influence
  • psychological trauma, which could cause you to be too worried or frightened to get back behind the wheel
  • a reduced earning capacity if you needed your vehicle for work or your injuries have caused extra time off work

Whether you have been involved in a car accident while stationary or a head-on collision, you should always seek advice from a professional injury lawyer.

The Benefits of Getting a Personal Injury Lawyer Following a Car Accident

There are lots of benefits to seeking legal advice and support following a car accident, such as:

  • you have a professional advocate
  • being able to get the settlement you deserve
  • getting help with the paperwork and logistics of building a case
  • having someone on your side with the correct knowledge and skills, which can put your mind at ease during this difficult time

If you have no experience in car accidents, it can be very easy to give out information that could make it more difficult to get compensation.

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is best to seek advice from a personal injury lawyer ASAP to see where you stand and what compensation you may be entitled to. Our firm offers a free consultation for anyone seeking legal advice, so get in touch today.

Visit our office at 15 Broad St #800 Boston, MA 02109.

Call now for a free consultation on (617) 263-0860.

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